Adam Deacon

Adam Deacon

  • Born: 1983-3-4
  • Height: 5' 5" (1.65 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Effie 2022-06-25 14:39:39

      Sometimes it just happens when we realize how jerk we are.

      It takes something fucked-up to happen to us for us to realise how big we fucked up
      "When I was ,like,15,all I wanted to do was get older,and now I am ,I can do anything I want.I can drink , vote , fuck, drive .I'm legally an adult.But I realised two things.
      One, I would do anything to go get...

    • Melba 2022-06-25 21:01:21

      What time is it

      1. Because it is a sequel, the plot is not well understood.
      2. Brown and black look good.
      3. Prison has become synonymous with crime, and it only serves as a symbol in the story. Together with the little girl's sigh, it looks a bit stiff
      . 4. Manic. As said at the end, he ruined himself, which made...

    • Julia 2022-06-25 15:59:31

      What Yingying said - -~

    • Montana 2022-06-25 17:43:24

      When I was an adult, I realized two things: 1. I can give everything to turn back time 2. I've never been so lonely. When we were young, we longed to grow and let go of everything. Then we really grew up and longed to go back.

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