Adrian Holmes

Adrian Holmes

  • Born: 1974-3-31
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Robb 2022-03-24 08:01:04

      A good movie must be "provocative"

      How did the riots happen? When hundreds of protesters take to the streets, all order breaks down in an instant.

      The film, titled "The Seattle Struggle," is an excellent teaching material and propaganda material for those who oppose the WTO. From the beginning of the film, the director used...

    • Jamil 2022-03-24 08:01:04

      democratic rights, rational people

      The government is born from the people, but because of different positions, it is often opposed to the people. At this time, the people need to exercise their rights and let the government hear the voice of the people. But when we exercise our rights, we need to understand whether we oppose it for...

    • Amelie 2022-04-22 07:01:55

      The perspective is confusing, the stand is blurred, and such a unique event is wasted. PS. The atmosphere of the film is remarkable.

    • Rosario 2022-04-21 09:03:50

      Unity ~ Unity is strength! This power is heaven, this power is steel, harder than iron and stronger than steel~! Drop the goods to Chairman Mao, and let all world trade perish!

    Battle in Seattle quotes

    • Django: Teamsters and turtles together! Come on, Teamsters and turtles together!

    • Jay: I don't blame you. I mean, I do, but... Shit, you're not the problem. You're just doing your job, i guess. The people I'm really trying to fight are the ones who destroy so much, and they hurt so many lives. Not just one. Literally, millions. And no one ever points a gun at them. You know, they just seem so, unaccountable. Untouchable. Just seems kind of fucked that you're... You and me are the ones that have to fight each other.