Agnès Viala

Agnès Viala

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Bethany 2022-01-29 08:08:34

      me and the king and the bird, childhood fragment


        In the king's secret apartment, a painter is adding the final brushstrokes to the king's portrait, but he forgot to draw a cage first, so the portrait is occupied by the soul of the deceased king. In an instant, all the mysterious phenomena become clear, and all the unexplained things...

    • Rosemarie 2022-01-29 08:08:34

      politically correct world

      Of course, I gave this animation five stars, but I always felt that something was unpleasant.

      The theme of this film is obvious, "dictatorship is an evil that will be defeated by freedom". After all, we all agree that "dictatorship is evil, and freedom is better than dictatorship". Therefore, from...