Alec McCowen

Alec McCowen

  • Born: 1925-5-26
  • Height: 5' 10" (1.78 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Mavis 2022-06-04 22:20:57

      Funeral of the times

      Funeral of the times

      A Night to Remember

      Filmed in 1958, "The Shipwreck in the Ice Sea" was the most important film on this subject before James Cameron. Its brilliance is not only the creation of countless Gaoming bridges similar to the continuous performance of the band, which is paid tribute...

    • Hester 2022-06-04 19:28:33

      The feeling of watching movies.

      For such an excellent and serious movie, everything is disrespect for life.
      By the way, all the plots of the human nature of the 1994 Cameron version of "Titanic" are portrayed in the old version without any modification. The only difference is an extra vulgar love story and gorgeous special...

    A Night to Remember quotes

    • Apprentice James Gibson: Looked like a rocket sir.

      Second Officer Herbert Stone: Yes. I wonder what a ship like that would want to fire rockets for?

    • Mr. Hoyle: [seeing the list the ship has taken on, when he observes the contents of his drinking glass are at an angle] I don't know if you gentlemen have noticed it, but, uh, this ship has got quite a list on it now. That's not right.