Billy Ray

Billy Ray

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  • Extended Reading
    • Dashawn 2022-01-07 15:54:50

      This is a good movie, and Hayden did a good job too!

      I watched this movie to see Hayden. When I watch Hayden’s movies, I usually lower my expectations. I can’t help it. Hayden’s acting skills are indeed more fantasy. Hayden is really the only one of my favorite actors whose acting skills are not good enough to come together. Up. But! After watching...

    • Raven 2022-01-07 15:54:50

      The status of Stephen Glass (January 27, 2014)

      In 2000, Stephen Glass passed the New York State Bar Examination, but was unable to pass the ethics test because of this news taint, and New York State refused to issue him a lawyer's license.

      In 2003, Stephen Glass worked as a reporter for a short period of time, but the release of this film...

    • Christop 2022-04-24 07:01:17

      One of the must-see movies for journalists. When I saw the male protagonist's lies being pulled more and more, I really felt sorry for him.

    • Wiley 2022-04-24 07:01:17

      The male protagonist's double eyelids are so pretty

    Shattered Glass quotes

    • Chuck Lane: [during a litigation meeting] We've read through all the pieces now, the entire staff, and we've come up with a list of those whose facts and sources we couldn't verify independently. I know you can't admit guilt of any kind but I want you to confirm a few titles for me.

      Glass' Lawyer: We're not prepared to confirm or deny anything at this time.

      Chuck Lane: What I'm going to do is this, I'm going to read to you a list of suspicious titles, one by one. If you raise an objection to a particular title, we'll fact check it again in the hope of removing it from the list. If you remain silent we'll assume that piece is fabricated either partially or entirely, and it'll stay on. Is that clear to everyone?

      Chuck Lane: Okay.

      [Chuck reads from the list]

      Chuck Lane: "Hazardous To Your Mental Health."

      [Stephen remains silent]

      Chuck Lane: That means it stays on the list of suspicious pieces, fabricated pieces.

      Glass' Lawyer: We understand, can we move along?

      Chuck Lane: [Chuck continues to reads from the list] "Holy Trinity," "Probable Clause," "Don't You D.A.R.E.," "Spring Breakdown," "State of Nature," "Rock The Morons," "After The Fall"...

    • David Bach: [over the phone] Look, I'm really sorry to bother you at night but it seemed important.

      Chuck Lane: It's fine, is there a problem?

      David Bach: Well, I don't know. I just got off the phone with Stephen. He sounds horrible. Did you suspend him, Chuck?

      Chuck Lane: David, what is the problem?

      David Bach: He asked me if I would drive him out to Dulles later tonight, he said he wasn't sure he'd be safe driving by himself. I thought I should draw your attention to that.

      Chuck Lane: Did he say where he was going?

      David Bach: Yeah, he said he'd be staying with his family for a while. That could only be one of two places.

      Chuck Lane: His parents live in Highland Park, right?

      David Bach: Yeah, or his brother out in Palo Alto.

      Chuck Lane: [Surprised] I'm sorry?

      David Bach: His brother at Stanford.