Chad Halbrook

Chad Halbrook

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Devyn 2022-09-13 15:59:19

      sadness that will be forgotten

      If you meet a black woman, you will fall in love with him. Start with the doll implanted with false memory in the first episode. That doll, who has no feelings and no memory, actually blocked the bullet to Black at the last moment. The first episode is my first image of this show. I felt the...

    • Lindsay 2022-09-13 18:00:12

      Small people and all beings in the background of superpowers

      In the background of superpowers, the appearance of small people and all beings is actually quite miserable. These people with superpowers are not as happy as ordinary people who don't know anything. What comes with it is not to run wild in the world, or to save the world according to the...