Charlotte Henry

Charlotte Henry

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Ally 2022-11-09 11:50:16


      In fact, I haven't read the content carefully, and I don't know if it is to protect the world and protect myself. It's just that I personally feel that the costumes are good, the acting skills of the actors are also acceptable, and the values ​​expressed by the plot can be recognized, but when I...

    • Zelma 2022-10-31 09:40:15

      A delicate halloween candy

      "Will children understand that these witches and their bizarre hands are just artistic processing? Physical differences will make children feel terrified." Paralympic athlete Amy Mullen expressed her doubts about the movie "The Witch" on her social platform. The official blog of the Olympic Games...

    The Witches quotes

    • Mr Jenkins: No.

      Mrs Jenkins: For God's sake, I think you're being extremely unreasonable.

      Mr Jenkins: No, Deidre. For the last time, I will not have that woman in my house.

      Mrs Jenkins: Oh, she's very good company.

      Mr Jenkins: Absolutely not, Deidre.

      Mrs Jenkins: [to Bruno] Oh, for God's sake, Bruno, your face.

      [wipes his face]

      Mrs Jenkins: Obviously can't take you anywhere.

    • Bruno Jenkins: Hey. You there, and what are you doing? Breaking and entering?

      Hero Boy: Looking for a quiet spot.

      Bruno Jenkins: For what?

      Hero Boy: Training.

      Bruno Jenkins: Training what?

      [sees a mice named Daisy in his pocket shirt]

      Bruno Jenkins: Cool. Super. What's his name?

      Hero Boy: It's a she. And her name is Daisy.

      Bruno Jenkins: Can I hold her?

      Hero Boy: She's not too comfortable around strangers.

      Bruno Jenkins: Can she do any tricks or anything?

      Hero Boy: We were just about to do some training. Want to watch?

      Bruno Jenkins: What time is it? A nice lady told me to meet her here at 12:25. She said she would give me six bars of Swiss chocolate.

      Hero Boy: What's your name?

      Bruno Jenkins: I'm...

      Mrs Jenkins: [she enters] Bruno Jenkins. I've been looking for you everywhere, young man. Your father is furious.

      Bruno Jenkins: Hello, mother. This is my new friend.

      Mrs Jenkins: [to Hero Boy] Nice to meet you.

      [turns back to Bruno]

      Mrs Jenkins: Look at your hands, they're filthy! Look at your shirt, it's a complete mess! Come with me.

      [grabbing one of Bruno's ear]

      Mrs Jenkins: What have you been doing? Running around in a sausage factory?