Christian Riehl

Christian Riehl

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  • Extended Reading
    • Holden 2022-10-03 04:53:08

      What is happiness

      After reading it, it makes people think for a long time, it is very uncomfortable, I want to refute but there is no reason to refute, each of them is very happy, but the beginning and the end are the same calm, but the people are different. The title of the film is happiness. The happiest time for...

    • Maria 2022-10-04 16:25:42

      Analysis of the cafe scene in the movie

      Highly saturated shades based on primary colors are presented throughout the film, including azure, scarlet, olive green, lemon yellow, as well as some lower shades of color, including pink, lotus, khaki, etc., which express their Symbolic meaning in culture, although as a foreigner these colors...

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    Le Bonheur quotes

    • François Chevalier: Sleeping together is fine when you're in love.

    • Émilie Savignard: Tell me one thing - are she and I the same to you?

      François Chevalier: No, very different. You make love better, you have fun. It's like a new wine for me. My head is spinning and your pleasure is in my heart. Like with Thérèse. She likes making love too - but she's calmer. I'm the one who leads the game. She likes me to have fun with her. She's tender - always there - and our kids look like her. You see, I'm being honest.

      Émilie Savignard: Yes.

      François Chevalier: You taught me another game, we're more alike. Thérèse is like a hardy plant. You're like an animal set free. I love nature.