Claudia Geisler-Bading

Claudia Geisler-Bading

  • Born: 1965-11-30
  • Height: 5' 7¾" (1.72 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Janis 2022-04-19 09:02:47

      This is a legend about women

      In fact, every priest in the Church of Rome is male. The reason for the church is that Jesus and his every. All of the disciples were male. Churches see it as their calling to imitate Jesus, so it is wrong to appoint women. But there is an incredible legend that in the Middle Ages, a woman was...

    • Javon 2022-04-19 09:02:47


      I feel that the first half is very good, but the middle and late stages are a bit weak, lacking some shocking things in it, instead it highlights feminist independence too much, which is a bit unnatural. It can be described with more emphasis on his actions as a pope, rather than weakening it. To a...

    • Vincenzo 2022-04-22 07:01:49

      what do i do every day

    Pope Joan quotes

    • House Steward: Pardon me, Eminence. The girl has arrived. You had her fetched from Ingelheim.

      Fulgentius: Oh yes, now I remember. That Greek scholar's idea. But am I seeing double?

      House Steward: The boy is her brother. Their father, a Priest, insists that he too be allowed to attend the Scola.

      Fulgentius: What do you know? I send for one and get two! If only the Emperor were as generous as these holy men from the countryside!

    • Johanna von Ingelheim: As for strength of will, women can be viewed as superior to man. Eve ate from the apple out of love of knowledge and learning. Adam ate it only because Eve asked him to.