Colin Lévêque

Colin Lévêque

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Jan 2022-05-13 20:34:47

      Movie is a dream

      Movies are originally a dream. As for whether the dream is fulfilled or not, whether everything in this dream must be related to sex, I don't know, you have to argue with Freud. This European horror movie, which is more primitive and close to the dream state than the formalized narrative mode of...

    • Duncan 2022-05-13 17:12:08


      Just like this translated name, Anna's Labyrinth, this movie also feels like a labyrinth, psychedelic, unclear, and confusing. From childhood and girls to mature women, the sensuality runs through, but each wears a different veil, with a different taste, and constantly digs into people's inner...