Ella Rumpf

Ella Rumpf

  • Born: 1995-2-4
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Ludie 2022-01-04 08:02:34

      Oh my God

      The heroine of "Raw Eat", Justin, is a freshman in veterinary medicine. She grew up in a veterinary family and has been a vegetarian since she was a child. But in your school’s humorous (heart-crazy) campus culture, there are traditions such as the Songkran Festival and swallowing animal entrails....

    • Deondre 2022-04-19 09:02:28

      perverse sensuality

      The contrast between two cannibal girls with different personalities in coping with their own carnal desires after entering college brings up too many questions worth thinking about. I have seen something similar to "Dead Island" and "Cannibals" before, but the cannibals in them are because of...

    • Mina 2022-03-20 09:02:11

      I didn't imagine the blood except for the allergies all over the body, scratching the sky and the dark, deep understanding, and I can't bear it any longer. I can accept the desire hidden in my bones. I can't resist a family. The bloodthirsty mad sister is the most annoying. so love

    • Trycia 2022-04-24 07:01:16

      "Nature can't be suppressed, the more suppressed it is, the more explosive it becomes" // Any imaginative work must be based on reality and human nature. The topic selection is interesting, but the shooting techniques are mediocre and the rhythm is poor. http://www.sohu.com/a/144515082_772209

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    Raw quotes

    • Justine: [to Alexia] You taste like curry.

    • Justine: I wanted a female roommate

      Adrien: You got a fag, same thing to them