Eric F. Adams

Eric F. Adams

  • Born: 1970-1-9
  • Height: 6' 3" (1.91 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Mittie 2022-07-09 19:15:26

      Very exciting! crazy doctor and crazy love

         Love is really great, true love can save two worlds, it can also destroy two worlds or even more worlds. A doctor's love typically belongs to the latter.
          As for the doctor's wife, she has shrunk to such a degree, and she is still lingering on the hospital bed to such an extent that she is...

    • Tod 2022-07-09 19:09:59

      I watched it a few months ago, now write about my feelings

      Let me explain first, I prefer to watch the so-called horror movies in the West, which generally have better innovative plots and thinking flexibility.
      Different from the Japanese ones, the Japanese ones are more chilling, most of them are real ghosts, and of course some are famous for being...

    Autopsy quotes

    • Dr. Benway: As my wife always says... I Didn't Choose Medicine... Medicine Chose Me

      Dr. Benway: I'm not as vain as I look... all those awards were a means to an end

      Dr. Benway: Family illnesses can be a life altering experience

      Dr. Benway: You have the instincts of a doctor... it's in your blood

      [brief pause]

      Dr. Benway: ... No pun intended

    • Dr. Benway: [repeated line]

      Dr. Benway: The nurse will contact you if I have any more questions