Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia

Galder Gaztelu-Urrutia

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • D'angelo 2021-11-25 08:01:30

      As a Hong Kong living in an ultra-capitalist society, I really feel very much about the setting of the upper and lower classes, the greed and deprivation of the upper class, the numbness and despair of the lower class, and there will be no Don Quixote in our ghost place. Appear. The voices and complaints from the lower class to the upper class will not be heard even more. Even if they are heard, they will only be treated as a joke. The only difference from the movie is that the people in the lower class will not wake up and become the upper class. Because of the corrupt system and social structure, he will always live in the upper class--metaphor (the setting of the upper and lower food chain and the capitalist social structure), the juxtaposition of the virtual and the real (the male protagonist sees the temptation of two dead peers to eat him ), at the end (the little girl is sent to the upper echelons to reflect on the system builders).

    • Javon 2022-03-23 09:01:39

      This ending is really amazing, the real despair. What I want to complain about is, how does this platform go up and down, does it rely on ideas? How do you find out when someone steals food, or does it depend on your mind?

    The Platform quotes

    • Imoguiri: This is not a good place for someone who likes reading.

    • Goreng: Don't call me snail again.

      Trimagasi: Don't use my word again.