Gerson Da Cunha

Gerson Da Cunha

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  • Extended Reading
    • Allen 2022-03-24 09:03:50

      India from "Water"

      The Movie Channel did a bit of an appreciation last night before showing the film. In fact, I didn't like Indian movies very much at first. I always thought that Indian movies are those, musical films with strong Indian music accompaniment. However, after listening to the introduction, I became...

    • Jaylin 2022-03-26 09:01:14

      Reminds me of "The Woman in the Enclosure"

      The film's narration is eloquent, and the graphics and music are just right. It reflects the tragic life of widows at that time. No future, no access. Love is only part of the story. The life of a little girl, the heroine who becomes a woman who has lost her footing, and the living conditions of...

    • Thomas 2022-04-21 09:03:48

      After watching it, my heart is really blocked, and I'm stupid again

    • Jarrod 2022-03-21 09:03:29

      When I went to Varanasi, I really saw a lot of widows who were "shaved" like this. To see them chatting casually around you, there will be a strong sense of unreality. The film was eventually shot in Sri Lanka. The attitude of the Indian government in denial is really unreasonable.

    Water quotes

    • Kalyani: 'Learn to live like the lotus untouched by the filthy water it grows in.' Krishnaji said it in the Geeta

      Narayana: Krishna was a god. Not everyone can live like the lotus flower.

      Kalyani: Yes, they can.

    • Shakuntala: Why are we widows sent here? There must be a reason for it.

      Narayana: One less mouth to feed. Four saris saved, one bed, and a corner is saved in the family home. There is no other reason you are here. Disguised as religion, it's just about money.