Gintare Parulyte

Gintare Parulyte

  • Born:
  • Height: 5' 11¼" (1.81 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Carmelo 2022-03-23 09:01:58

      silent color

      As if in order to highlight the elements of painting, the color, light, and screen layout of the entire film are extremely beautiful.
      Like the beginning of the film, the girl is in the kitchen putting various fruit and vegetable slices and stacking them on the disc. The yellow light through the...

    • Jeff 2022-03-25 09:01:09

      straight male cancer

      I wanted to give it 70 on the 100-point scale, because the actors did a good job and the movie was beautiful, but there was a big problem with the idealistic machismo values, so I had to fail.

      After reading it, I feel sorry for my wife the most, but very few people in the introduction and film...

    • Rubye 2022-03-28 09:01:03

      This is a story from more than 300 years ago. It happened in the Netherlands, but I always feel that there is a taste of the East. In the gazing of the pulse, I forget both things.

    • Ron 2022-03-23 09:01:58

      Oil painting as thick and dull 2004, 8

    Girl with a Pearl Earring quotes

    • Griet: Good morning, madam.


      Catharina: Don't speak until you are spoken to.

    • Van Ruijven: How hard is it to paint a pretty girl?