Helmut Döring

Helmut Döring

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Savanna 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      I very much agree with and like Herzog's concept of "movie is an illiterate art". When watching the movie, I also let go of myself and hold the hand of the movie with the most primitive mentality. When Kaspar was crying, I was crying too. What freedom, history, and sociology are too boring to interpret at this time. Kaspar...Kaspar, in the end only his name was left in my mind, and I was happy.

    • Vinnie 2022-03-21 09:03:26

      Records, logic, society————high-purity dreams, stories with beginnings and ends, unsmooth language, and killing people. The left-brain and the right-hand control mundane functions, while the right-brain is sensual and artistic. However, it was only dissected and recorded again. Herzog's grandeur is truly grand. Dark and pure sky, foggy stone mountain, people climb, the top of the mountain is death, classical music, scratch opera. religious sense. sublime. mystery.

    The Enigma of Kaspar Hauser quotes

    • Kaspar Hauser: What are women good for?... Can you tell me that, Katy? Women are not good for anything but sitting still!

    • Professor Daumer: Kaspar, what's wrong? Are you feeling unwell?

      Kaspar Hauser: It feels strong in my heart... The music feels strong in my heart... I feel so unexpectedly old...

      Professor Daumer: You've been such a short time in the world, Kaspar...

      Kaspar Hauser: Why is everything so hard for me? Why can't I play the piano like I can breathe?

      Professor Daumer: In the two short years you have been here with me, you have learned so much! The people here want to help you make up for lost time.

      Kaspar Hauser: The people are like wolves to me.

      Professor Daumer: No. You mustn't say that...