Hutch Dano

Hutch Dano

  • Born: 1992-5-21
  • Height: 6' (1.83 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Yvette 2022-01-13 08:02:57

      The world of playful little girls

      The protagonist Ramona's active thinking makes her feel that she is a naughty troublemaker. But her original intention is all from her rich imagination and her kindness is from the heart. She has no intention of hurting anyone. From the disturbances in the family, she is determined to restore the...

    • Briana 2022-03-25 09:01:18

      Are people now unable to appreciate beauty?

      After probably browsing the brief comments, many people's twisted minds can no longer contain beauty. We can see their distorted values ​​in their taunting in a few words. Look at what high-scoring movies are now? Things like Fast and Furious get an 8.4. Some people's values ​​really need to be...

    • Lorena 2022-03-17 09:01:06

      Warm childhood, warm growth.

    • Sid 2022-04-23 07:03:46

      Made my mom cry hehe

    Ramona and Beezus quotes

    • Triplet Boy: We saw your underpants!


    • [first lines]

      Ramona Quimby: My name is Ramona Q. I'm nine and three months, and no matter what my sister Beezus tells you: I'm not a pest. My dad says I just having overactive imagination, which does come in handy. It makes the fun parts funner and the scary parts scarier. And frankly, it's good to scare yourself once in a while. Because if you can't be brave at recess, how can you do it what it really counts?