Keiichi Nanba

Keiichi Nanba

  • Born: 1957-8-26
  • Height: 5' 5¾" (1.67 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Archibald 2022-04-13 09:01:07

      what is god

      I was watching a certain god stick cartoon just now, and there was a message saying that the gods in it were good or bad, provoking people to fight each other. Yes, this is God, what kind of thing do you think it is?

      Have you read the Bible, and if not, have you read Journey to the West? If not,...

    • Lela 2022-04-13 09:01:07

      After many years, revisit old dramas. Suddenly want to write about five small weak

      Originally the most easily forgotten character among Saint Seiyas, it was unexpected that 30 years later, the popularity index was even equal to the five small strong. A person who cannot be said to be great said: Fortunately, history is written by the people. In terms of political struggle,...