Louis Ashbourne Serkis

Louis Ashbourne Serkis

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: U.K
  • Representative Works: Alice Through the Looking Glass, SS-GB
  • Louis Ashbourne Serkis, actor, representative works " Alice Through the Looking Glass ", " SS-GB ".
    Extended Reading
    • Roselyn 2022-03-20 09:03:01

      battle of electricity

      Perhaps Mr. Benny has played too many talented roles, or perhaps he is too familiar with him. In short, when I watched the trailer, I saw too many familiar shadows, which made me wonder if I was happy or sad.

      "Battle of Electricity", about Edison played by BC, and Westinghouse played by Shannon...

    • Toby 2022-03-22 09:02:56

      Battle of Electricity "You Can't Build Fences"

      10 points in the battle of electricity I cried. Great people, great ideas, great times, as Tesla said, what drives human progress is ideas. Edison is smart and articulate, invented countless famous names, and is proud and stubborn. The opponent stole his research results at the beginning, but this...

    • Carmine 2022-03-19 09:01:10

      Can you give Tesla a little more drama? He has been very pitiful in history, how can he still be a cute and deceitful little guy in the movie. . . . The price is so cute. // The three main characters are just mediocre, and even Edison, who is good and bad, doesn't have much depth.

    • Cayla 2022-03-17 09:01:10

      There are a lot of complaints in the comment area, which made me a little nervous before watching it, but it turns out that this movie is my dish. The scientists are fighting their wits and courage, and they are a bit trembling (in the era of honor-oriented aristocracy, it is out of line, but from a modern perspective, there may be no Yankees) How beautiful the story is

    The Current War: Director's Cut quotes

    • George Westinghouse: I can take a beating, but I have no patience for shoddy craftmanship.

    • Franklin Pope: The good thing about Edison is that he could be the richest man in the world, but he doesn't give a damn about money.

      George Westinghouse: What does he give a damn about?