Marcus Fraser

Marcus Fraser

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  • Extended Reading
    • Lionel 2021-10-13 13:05:27

      Read the book first!

      This fourth installment of the movie series is entirely about the Triwizard Tournament. Three finalists were chosen by the Goblet of Fire, and then the Goblet spit out an unprecedented fourth name: Harry Potter's. This is against the rules, since you have to be 16 to compete in...

    • Rasheed 2022-04-21 09:01:05

      Revealing the identity of Professor Moody's "guide"

      I have heard about the Harry Potter series of movies for a long time, but I have only started to work on them so far. There are indeed many unexpected gains. Its content and plot structure are very full, and the title of "detail maniac" belongs to him. , especially every detail shown in the...

    • Ladarius 2022-03-25 09:01:04

      My favorite part of the whole series is the last glimmer of light and laughter before stepping into the dark. Many new characters appeared on the stage, and Voldemort finally appeared face-to-face. Cedric was unexpectedly popular many years later. After many years, Furong saw it in GG. His appearance was too far from what he imagined. Krum was unexpectedly handsome. Harry and Ron both started to wear long hair for the first time. The Triwizard Tournament performed well on the second item, Quidditch World

    • Manuel 2022-04-24 07:01:01

      When I saw the fourth Harry Potter, I started to feel a little addicted, I began to enter the virtual magical world, and I began to realize that the whole world, whether adults or children, were crazy about such a work, and I began to worry about myself Getting closer to the end of the story

    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire quotes

    • Harry: I just wondered if...

      [bird squawks loudly in the background]

      Harry: Ijustwanderedifmaybeyouwantedtogototheballwithme!

      Cho Chang: Sorry, I didn't catch that.

      Harry: I was just wondering if maybe you wanted to go to the ball with me...

      Cho Chang: Oh.

      [Suddenly looking very uncomfortable]

      Cho Chang: Harry, I'm sorry but someone's already asked me. And well, I've, I've said I'll go with him.

      Harry: Okay, great, good, fine, great, no problem.

      [turns to head into the Owlery]

      Cho Chang: Harry! I really am... sorry.

      [manages a weak, embarrassed smiled as she descends the staircase]

    • Dumbledore: Curiosity is not a sin, Harry. However, from time to time, you should exercise caution.