Moussa Maaskri

Moussa Maaskri

  • Born: 1962-11-15
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Nick 2022-04-20 09:02:50


      A movie about family love, but it deeply flogged human nature. How to develop between man and nature, and how to stop plundering and encroaching on human beings, I believe there will be answers in this film. The tiger brothers, Kumar and Sanga, from their innocence at birth to the loss of their...

    • Daniella 2022-03-19 08:01:02

      Occasionally have "cat sister cat brother"

      A movie about family love, the protagonists are 2 tigers.

        The film goes back to the French colony of Indochina in the 1920s, when the notorious British hunter Aidan McCrary kills a male tiger and his cubs in an operation to steal a Buddha statue, although the cub's mother has twice Tries to save...

    • Rubie 2022-04-24 07:01:25

      o(╯□╰)o It turns out that I really am a brother control. From the beginning to the end, I am anthropomorphic watching.. It's really cute. The brother's rush is so touching...

    • Nicola 2022-04-23 07:05:31

      My eyes are swollen after watching it, especially in the Colosseum part where they recognized each other and recalled all kinds of crying when they were young. Anyway, the ending is a happy end, but how many happy ends are there in the global history of animal cruelty?

    Two Brothers quotes

    • Aidan McRory: Where did you learn your English?

      Naï-Rea: His Excellency asked the Australian priests to open a school here to teach us languages.

      Aidan McRory: Well, I'm very impressed. What else did they teach you?

      Naï-Rea: To beware of white men.

    • Administrator Normandin: Bravo! As your excellency's father always said, "One shot, one kill." With you, it's pfft-bang! Straight as an arrow!

      His Excellency: Straight as your road through the sacred jungles of my ancestors.