Nora Twomey

Nora Twomey

  • Born: 1971-10-31
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Arden 2022-03-01 08:01:52

      new visual experience

      When 3D animation first entered people's field of vision, it will be regarded as a subversion of the animation and even the film industry. However, more and more low-quality 3D animations have begun to erode the animation market on a large scale, and fans' vision has gradually become saturated. Now...

    • Preston 2022-03-22 09:02:53

      The world of Anti-Avatar 2D is more beautiful

      Xian Xianlai was waiting for the nomination list on Oscar's website. When I arrived at the animated feature film, I saw an extremely unfamiliar name that I had never seen before. It was called the secret of kells . Doubt. After a few days, verycd has resources, and I finished watching it...

    • Ward 2022-03-27 09:01:21

      Where I can't go, can you go there instead of me?

    • Keagan 2022-03-28 09:01:13

      This kind of cartoon is about to become extinct... I really like the dean's accent

    The Secret of Kells quotes

    • Aisling: [interrupting him] Is this your cat?

      [Brendan screams and falls off rock]

      Aisling: Well?

      Brendan: I've heard about... creatures like you. You're a fairy!

      [Aisling gives Pangur Ban a dubious look]

      Aisling: What are you doing in my forest? You've come to spoil it, haven't you?

      Brendan: Uh...

      Aisling: [accusingly] You were probably sent here by your family to get food, weren't you? Well. You can go right back where you came from. If you don't, I'll make the wolves get you. *Rawr!*

      Brendan: No! uh, I didn't mean to. Look, I'm sorry alright? I'm not here to get food for my family. I'm here to get things to make ink. I don't have a family, and we have food in Kells. So I wouldn't come here for it anyway. I was just... a bit lost.

      Aisling: You have no family?

      Brendan: Uh, no.

      Aisling: No mother?

      [Brendan looks down. Aisling bows her head]

      Aisling: I'm alone too.

    • Aisling: Open your eyes and I'll tell you my name.

      [Brendan opens them]

      Aisling: Aisling.

      Brendan: Aisling.

      Aisling: And this... is my forest.