Olivier Cruveiller

Olivier Cruveiller

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  • Extended Reading
    • Lukas 2022-03-29 09:01:10

      Hate to say: really sensational

      Because she often said something really sensational to describe something cute and innocent, in short, it is the kind of emotional expression, she said it many times, because I don't like her, because I don't hate the word sensational, but also in general and with It's too general, so I'll refrain...

    • Ike 2022-03-25 08:01:02

      "Il ya longtemps que je t'aime" - I have always loved you

      À la claire fontaine How clear is the spring water, M'en allant promener I walk and hesitate; J'ai trouvé l'eau si belle How bright is the water, Que je m'y suis baigné I bathe my body and mind. Il ya longtemps que je t'aime Thinking of you for a long time, Jamais je ne t'oublierai dare not or...

    • Elouise 2022-03-31 09:01:09

      Nante. A small and refreshing town with an idyllic style. Many French people say that the most beautiful city here is Nante. Why? They always giggled and shook their heads. . . Maybe this city is typical of French life, lazy and quiet, but as long as you pay attention to it, you will find beauty everywhere. It is not the heroine who brings us the feeling, no matter how dull the appearance is, there is an untouchable explosive force. The magic of movies, the magic of cities, the brilliance of KST.

    • Valentina 2022-04-02 09:01:15

      The film is smooth and natural, full of human melancholy and laughter. Luck and sin are all about love, and so are some lives and deaths.

    I've Loved You So Long quotes

    • Léa: We were there! Didn't we matter?

      Juliette Fontaine: Do you think others matter then - that one cares what they think or do? You were all well and alive! You belonged to the kind one comes to hate for the mere fact that they are there.

    • Juliette Fontaine: Je suis la, je suis la, je suis la...