Patrick Mille

Patrick Mille

  • Born: 1970-0-0
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • General 2022-05-08 10:23:02

      La doublure

      The protagonist of the film is a parking clerk who parks others in a high-end restaurant and a blonde beauty model Jelena. The parking clerk has a favorite girlfriend who works in the bookstore, and Jelena is the lover of a married rich politician Biel. These people had nothing to do with their...

    • Terrill 2022-05-08 18:37:25

      "Stuntman" "replaces" is no longer a daydream in youth

      To appreciate a movie is nothing more than to watch a story. This story either gives you visual enjoyment, or gives you spiritual feeling, or both. But now too many people (professionals), when they go to the cinema to watch a movie, they often bring paper and pen, just to find loopholes and...

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