Paul Young

Paul Young

  • Born:
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  • Extended Reading
    • Jaiden 2022-04-20 09:02:38

      Mysterious Book of Kells

      "The Secret of the Book of Kells" has simple characters, rich and gorgeous background colors, religious calligraphy and patterns. With a rich cultural background and religious colors, it seems a bit difficult for people who have no religious beliefs and lack understanding of Irish culture. Film and...

    • Mabelle 2022-03-18 09:01:09

      As a child, you should have innocence

      In this way, The Secret of the Book of Kells was easily expressed by the director through some restless celestial symbols and the voice of a strange girl from outside. So straight to the point, no fuss. How to express the theme, in what form and in what style can make the audience accept and like...

    • Berenice 2022-03-26 09:01:13

      Almost pure beauty, but don't like missionary stories

    • Johnson 2022-03-14 14:12:30

      Every frame is beautiful to tears

    The Secret of Kells quotes

    • Aisling: [interrupting him] Is this your cat?

      [Brendan screams and falls off rock]

      Aisling: Well?

      Brendan: I've heard about... creatures like you. You're a fairy!

      [Aisling gives Pangur Ban a dubious look]

      Aisling: What are you doing in my forest? You've come to spoil it, haven't you?

      Brendan: Uh...

      Aisling: [accusingly] You were probably sent here by your family to get food, weren't you? Well. You can go right back where you came from. If you don't, I'll make the wolves get you. *Rawr!*

      Brendan: No! uh, I didn't mean to. Look, I'm sorry alright? I'm not here to get food for my family. I'm here to get things to make ink. I don't have a family, and we have food in Kells. So I wouldn't come here for it anyway. I was just... a bit lost.

      Aisling: You have no family?

      Brendan: Uh, no.

      Aisling: No mother?

      [Brendan looks down. Aisling bows her head]

      Aisling: I'm alone too.

    • Aisling: Open your eyes and I'll tell you my name.

      [Brendan opens them]

      Aisling: Aisling.

      Brendan: Aisling.

      Aisling: And this... is my forest.