Philippe Magnan

Philippe Magnan

  • Born: 1948-8-21
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Katlyn 2022-01-21 08:03:39

      Incomprehensible plot

      Probably I can't understand the logic of the French.
      He wondered why Luo's father, who was still loving at first, would suddenly be willing to let the child steal the jewelry, but then suddenly died. The doubt was revealed that it was Father Luo, who had scammed his death. How could he be arguing...

    • Ulises 2022-01-21 08:03:39

      The most disappointed French film of late

      I went to the cinema on the weekend and didn't want to watch prada or anything, so I chose this French film.

      Maybe it was my own problem. I haven't seen French entertainment films for a long, long time. Of course, this story can be seen as a classic.
      In French literature, revenge stories like "The...

    • Yasmeen 2022-04-24 07:01:23

      waste money. And Irene sees this shit every time.

    • Greyson 2022-04-19 09:02:46

      Is this a French movie? I can't believe the country without the surname Mei in the production. .