Phillip X Levine

Phillip X Levine

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Victoria 2022-11-02 06:43:41

      as sweet as you make it...

      In Yi Shu's "Hua Jieyu", the heroine Jie Yu tells the story of the blind man and the crippled man who is inferior to the hero because of his disability. . .
      We are all mutilated or visible or invisible

      bealga this little man his mother takes care of his elderly father before his death the family...

    • Michaela 2022-11-08 12:59:50

      Youth sweet cake

      Director Mary Stuart Masterson tells the story of this warm little American town with the cool breeze of early summer. In this strange farm town, there lives such a family. Easy, the head of the family and a butcher, is grieving for his wife who died of cancer not long ago, but he...

    The Cake Eaters quotes

    • Georgia: Come back tomorrow.

      Beagle: Yeah?

      Georgia: Yeah. We can go somewhere.

      Beagle: I'll see you tomorrow.

    • Judd: You hear that Georgia?

      Georgia: That's awesome Mom.

      Violet: that's awesome mom It is isn't it? Oh baby just think, someday your images are going to be hanging up next to Sally Man

      Georgia: They're your images.

      Violet: Oh no. God gave me such a beautiful daughter and I want to show the world how special you are.

      Georgia: Mom, do I have to do this today? I just really don't feel like it.

      Violet: Why not?

      Georgia: I love your photos, it's not that.