Rachel Boynton

Rachel Boynton

  • Born:
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Nat 2022-04-20 09:02:50

      A melancholy man in a mysterious skin, rescued a curious woman

      From a women's point of view, this is a great film.
             It is suitable for girlfriends or GAY honeys to watch together, and it is suitable for women with independent thinking who are in love or not.
             But it is not suitable for women who are content with the old-fashioned...

    • Rico 2022-03-25 09:01:23


      Honey, I don't know
      if you wanted to play children's games before you died - I'm sure you've played
      games in which you ran along a narrow wall of flowers and
      you saw the wall as a ridge
      ridge with flanks immersed in snow.
      Unfathomable in the sky ...

      Diane's brother wrote a poem about her death....

    • Sigmund 2022-04-22 07:01:55

      nicole doesn't have a single wrinkle

    • Mona 2022-04-21 09:03:50

      Why is Nicole so naked for this movie?

    Fur: An Imaginary Portrait of Diane Arbus quotes

    • Diane Arbus: What is it?

      Lionel Sweeney: Well, every month or so I'm able to breathe about five percent less. My lungs are disintegrating. It's getting harder and harder for me to breathe... deeply. In a matter of months, I'll drown without even swimming, because there'll be nothing left... of my lungs.

      Diane Arbus: You're not dying.

      Lionel Sweeney: Yes, I am.

      Diane Arbus: No, you're not.

    • Lionel Sweeney: [holding an inflatable raft] I blew this up for you.

      Diane Arbus: Why did you want me to shave you? Hmm? Why?

      Lionel Sweeney: So I could swim out further.

      Diane Arbus: Swim out?

      Lionel Sweeney: Yes.

      Diane Arbus: What are you saying?

      Lionel Sweeney: [he struggles for words] That I want you with me.

      Diane Arbus: What?

      Lionel Sweeney: Diane.

      Diane Arbus: What are you talking about? You want me to watch you die?

      Lionel Sweeney: I want you with me, that's all.

      Diane Arbus: But is this what you did? Made me fall in love with you to watch you...

      Lionel Sweeney: I don't see it that way at all. I love you.