Stan Klimecko

Stan Klimecko

  • Born: 1970-6-9
  • Height: 6' 1" (1.85 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Roslyn 2022-03-17 09:01:05

      Pretty good movie

      I really like this movie, I don't know why so many people scold it. I can’t find it, where can I find it? I feel that the plot is a bit similar to stealing the sky, and it's more humorous. There is very little information about this film on Baidu. Why do you have to write 140 characters? Can't it...

    • Federico 2022-02-10 08:01:32

      Make up a sweet dream

      Fri Jan 21, 2005
      Compiled a beautiful dream

      Last night, I watched "Crossing the Sky" (I don't know who translated it, it is estimated to be from Hong Kong and Taiwan, with half-linked Chinese grammar). The English name is "The Thomas Crown Affair". Pierce Brisnan, the middle-aged beautiful man who...

    • Madisyn 2022-04-20 09:01:42

      The skill of stealing painting is about to be used and rotted away

    • Annetta 2022-03-27 09:01:06

      It's not too tiring to look handsome all day

    The Thomas Crown Affair quotes

    • The Psychiatrist: [laughing] Peter Pan grows up, and discovers there's no place to land!

    • Detective Michael McCann: Give.


      Detective Michael McCann: You know what? Life is full of shitty conflicts, okay? Give!