Stass Klassen

Stass Klassen

  • Born: 1965-5-12
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Meta 2022-03-30 08:01:02

      Do not comment on the plot

      When I noticed you, you were gone.

      I'm talking about Pan Am.

      A new drama takes us back to that old age. At that time people advocated streamlined and simplified beauty. The rockets at that time were getting more and more powerful until they reached the moon. At that time Pan Am's B707 represented...

    • Gertrude 2022-03-30 08:01:02

      Reading other comments makes me wonder why I like this show so much

      I do like this show. Whether it's the beginning of the first season or seeing the end. I love this show even though some viewers say it's upside down and out of order.
      To say why, it may be very simple, the woman is beautiful and the man is handsome. Don't ask for the strangeness of the plot, but...

    • Geovanny 2022-04-01 09:01:19

      vase vase vase vase vase,,,,,,

    • Janae 2022-03-31 09:01:10

      The only thing that is worth seeing is the French girl Collette~ beautiful! ! !

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