Vincent Laresca

Vincent Laresca

  • Born: 1974-1-21
  • Birthplace: New York, USA
  • Height: 5' 11" (1.8 m)
  • Profession: actor
  • Nationality: America
  • Representative Works: "Unthinkable", "Lakeview Terrace", etc.
  • Vincent Laresca, American actor, representative works include " Unthinkable ", " Lakeview Terrace " and so on.
    Extended Reading
    • Kenton 2022-10-16 22:39:19


      This is a movie released in 1999. De Niro plays a sick cop in it.

      Police Swart lives in a civilian area. There are all kinds of people from the bottom living here. Thieves, underworld, gays and more. Walter couldn't help but endure it. One night, Walt heard gunshots in the community, he immediately...

    Flawless quotes

    • Rusty Zimmerman: [opens door] Oh let me guesss, a Jehovah's Witness?

      Walt Koontz: I was wondering, uh if I could pay you for singing lessons?

      Rusty Zimmerman: Oh hahaha, oh, honey,

      [sudden serious voice]

      Rusty Zimmerman: I'd rather suck Hitler's dead dick.

      [slams door]

      Walt Koontz: [shouts through door] I bet you already did!

    • Rusty Zimmerman: [singing can be heard from Rusty's open window] Yeah, gitchi gitchi ya ya da da, gitchi gitchi ya ya here, mocha chocolata ya ya...

      Walt Koontz: [shouts out the window] Hey! Hei! Shut the fuckin' window or shut the fuck up!

      Rusty Zimmerman: [Really fast] You shut you'r fuckin' window!

      Walt Koontz: Fuckin' faggots!

      Rusty Zimmerman: The gay community thanks you for your support, fucker!

      Walt Koontz: Fuck you and the gay community!

      Rusty Zimmerman: Fuck you and your "Lets get married, have kids and beat up the fuckin' dog" community, Fucker!

      Rusty Zimmerman: [singing really loud out of the window] Go sister, go sister, go sister, hei sister go sister, go sister...

      Walt Koontz: Fuckin' demented fuckin' fruitcakes!