Vincent Macaigne

Vincent Macaigne

  • Born: 1978-10-19
  • Height:
  • Extended Reading
    • Gerard 2022-04-20 09:02:59

      Bruised Reed - Guilty Innocent

      "The bruised reed he will not break; the stubborn light he will not blow out." - Matthew 12:20
      The movie "Les innocentes" tells a story:
      1945 World War II ended , French Red Cross female physician Mathilde treated wounded soldiers in Warsaw, and one night, she was invited to the convent to treat...

    • Jonas 2022-04-19 09:03:20

      Will you choose to help the innocent?

      After the war, the women who were collectively ravaged by German and Soviet soldiers—the biggest problem, were the nuns, welcomed one child after another. Originally, some of them could not accept the fact, fear, remorse, and fear that they would be cursed. Younger and more enlightened, it will be...

    • Vanessa 2022-04-18 09:01:20

      Why are Polish movies so sad... In the end, there is a sense of "calling the midwife".

    • Antonio 2022-04-17 09:01:13

      Quiet but cool. Church, nuns, nuns, doctors, children, family members, even the Soviet Red Army. . . Who is innocent and who is really guilty?

    The Innocents quotes

    • Maria: Dear Mathilde, the dark clouds have been hunted. We have here the sun in the sky. And you are in our hearts. Other wars may come. Other dangers threaten us, it will soon be difficult to write to us. But whatever our fate is, I feel ready to face it. I know, even if it makes you laugh, God sent you. Let him accompany you through the trials and that joy never misses you. Yours, Maria.

    • Mathilde Beaulieu: Good night

      Mathilde Beaulieu: I don't want to

      [avoiding the kiss from Samuel]

      Samuel: Me neither

      Mathilde Beaulieu: I mean it

      Samuel: So do I

      Samuel: What?

      [as she tries to stop him from ascending the stairs]

      Mathilde Beaulieu: You're too old

      Samuel: Charming...

      Mathilde Beaulieu: Not too loud

      [as she tries to shush him]

      Samuel: You didn't say that the first time.

      Samuel: It's not true. I may be ugly, but I'm not old.

      Mathilde Beaulieu: Pardon, no, you're not that ugly.

      Samuel: Really?

      Samuel: Come here

      Samuel: What?

      Samuel: Come here. I take that as an encouragement, you know.

      Mathilde Beaulieu: Oui

      [and kisses Samuel]