Win Morisaki

Win Morisaki

  • Born: 1990-8-20
  • Height: 5' 8½" (1.74 m)
  • Extended Reading
    • Hubert 2022-03-21 09:01:13

      It's like playing Tetris for the first time, when the vertical bar landed. I can't give a higher evaluation.

    • Lavonne 2022-03-22 09:01:12

      The three levels just teach the three most important philosophies. One is "Step back and broaden the sky", the second is "The girl you like should be kissed bravely", and the third is "Real life is Real".

    Ready Player One quotes

    • Sorrento: Halliday, this is how you plan to resolve the fate of the world's most important economic resource?

    • Daito: Look.

      [flicks up the camera]

      Daito: Ticking Clock.

      Art3mis: Okay, so I'm estimating about... five minutes to find the key.

      Parzival: Yeah, there are so many keys The Shining, though. Where do we start?

      Aech: [puts his hand to his shoulder to come here] I've never seen The Shining. Is it really scary?

      Sho: Uh, I had to watch it through my fingers.

      Parzival: Okay, so we got the key from room 237, the keys to the Snowcat, or the keys they give Jack at the beginning of the movie.

      Art3mis: [when Aech was depressed he looks and saw a tennis ball walks on the floor] Well, if it's "the leap not taken, maybe the key isn't a key at all.

      Sho: [the tennis ball was still rolling] I know where the Snowcat keys are!

      Parzival: I say we split up. We get all the keys and then we meet back at the Torrances' apartment.