The Post Comments

  • Green 2023-09-30 03:59:12

    A very flat movie, it is still the choice that makes people move. What impressed me about my brother in Korea was the choice of the little people in the big history. What this Washington Post impresses me is the choice of the press and publishing industry in the big history. It can be said that they have truly achieved the unity of knowledge and action. U.S. government: Hit the New York Times hard for me! Washington Post: We're going to hit us! In the end, the people did not agree with all the...

  • Ken 2023-09-27 18:25:50

    At this point in time, Old Hollywood could have made such a harmonious and steady film that directly insinuates the present, subtly narrating the mistakes and crises of the past as a "honeymoon period" for journalism, women and the White House. But think about it again, the so-called main theme represented by Hollywood has always been doing this...

  • Arnold 2023-09-18 16:08:39

    Spielberg, Kaminsky and Williams' coming-of-age superhero movie revisits what the First Amendment guarantees to the Declaration of Independence at a time when bashing the 45th President of the United States has become the current trend of "politically correct" Freedom is the real political correctness. Just like Lincoln, the Thirteenth Amendment linking the play from historical facts to the country, the record significance of replicating democracy as a means rather than a goal is far greater...

  • Arch 2023-09-17 17:36:22

    Spielberg's first movie I didn't see falling asleep. It has to be said that Spielberg is still good at creating scenes but poor at creating characters. In addition to the surging trend of printing newspapers and the sense of urgency in conflict with the IPO, it has never been clear how the protagonist in the film made these important decisions. Aunt May's understanding of Kay Graham is very shallow, and the role of hanks is completely annihilated in Aunt May's lack of breakthrough. Odenkirk is...

  • Ken 2023-08-20 23:42:07

    65-70 points. Look at other people's patriotic education, classic theatrical structure and character writing, and you can be old-fashioned. However, the sophisticated drama rhythm and the double main line are paralleled, and the well-prepared character dialogue still drives the whole drama forward, which is better than the bridge of spies. The shaping is too deliberate, it could have turned into a good play. Not as good as...

  • Lavada 2023-08-03 22:40:26

    Adding a star is that there are places where it is indeed possible to directly make fun of the current president in the media, provided that the judiciary is...

  • Carey 2023-07-05 08:35:26

    It is really a prequel to "The President's Team", and the last scene is simply copied and seamlessly connected. "The days of their deceit must end, and we must be the check and balance of their power," and "News serves the governed, not the rulers." The second half is very exciting, and the scheduling and soundtrack are...

  • Cyrus 2023-05-13 22:36:48

    What's interesting about this film is that it cross-cuts a newspaper's listing and revealing the truth. Capital politics, dictatorship and freedom, and true deception are just two sides of the same coin. It is national character to gamble in the face of big right and big...

  • Katelyn 2023-04-11 22:24:38

    The best secrets are those that are unearthed at the right moment. The unearthing process is a small rebellion, as our poison lawyer said "i always wanted to be part of a small rebellion" so say we all ... However, although it is said that the media is the bible of this era, and everyone can participate, especially in this new media landscape, but not everyone is eligible to...

  • Madalyn 2023-04-06 04:18:02

    It's all right to start and turn, and the management of each scene is okay, but it just doesn't make people excited, maybe it still doesn't grasp the focus of the story. Aunt Mei and Uncle Han neither initiated an investigation nor took major risks. The script carefully exaggerated the difficulty and courage of their decision, but the motives and mentality behind them were still unfounded. In the end, I didn't understand what the "war of certainty" was about. Aren't the winners and losers at...

Extended Reading
  • Claudie 2022-03-26 09:01:05

    woman this thing

    too much.

    There are too many men in the [Washington Post].

    In the opening, the Secretary of Defense got off the plane, reporters swarmed up, and there were no women. The hostess and the editor-in-chief made an appointment for a breakfast meeting, and when she walked into the dining room, there was...

  • Tiara 2022-04-22 07:01:23

    The horn of the rise of women's rights, the battle song of press freedom, and the portrayal of idealism

    From the end of December to the present, each of us seems to be carried away by the epidemic, especially in the initial stage of the epidemic, everyone seems to be enveloped by an atmosphere of panic, we cannot deny that a large part of this is due to various news and various media reports....

The Post quotes

  • Kay Graham: This is no longer my father's company. It's no longer my husband's company. It's my company.

  • Kay Graham: Alright, then. My decision stands. And I'm - going to bed.