The Conformist

The Conformist

  • Director: Bernardo Bertolucci
  • Writer: Alberto Moravia,Bernardo Bertolucci,Lee Kresel
  • Countries of origin: Italy, France, West Germany
  • Language: Italian, French, Latin, Chinese
  • Release date: March 21, 1971
  • Sound mix: Mono
  • Aspect ratio: 1.66 : 1
  • Also known as: Der Konformist
  • "II Conformista" is a feature film directed by Bernardo Bertolucci, starring Jean-Louis Trantignan, Stefania Sandrelli , and Dominique Sanda. It was released in West Germany in June 1970.
    The film tells about the political opportunism and taboo love of an ordinary person, Marcelo Clélisi, before and after the war.


    • Release date March 21, 1971
    • Filming locations Cinecittà Studios, Cinecittà, Rome, Lazio, Italy
    • Production companies Mars Film, Marianne Productions, Maran Film

    Box office


    $750,000 (estimated)

    Gross US & Canada


    Gross worldwide


    Movie reviews

     ( 30 ) Add reviews

    • By Freda 2022-03-25 09:01:15



      First, I saw the screenshots of the stills, and I really thought it was too beautiful.

      Later, I found out that it was directed by Bertolucci. I probably knew the political significance of the film at a certain point in time. As for the revolution in Italy at that time, I didn’t know much about the living conditions. From the perspective of the protagonist, his family environment has made him pursue his pursuit since he was a child. "Ordinary", and when I finally...

    • By Bridie 2022-03-25 09:01:15

      Idea Initialization [From Li Zongheng Film Review]

      1. Very very very French New Wave Italian cinema. Storaro had so many photographic "ideas" when he was young that the editing was a bit awkward and aphasia. It's normal. There are problems in the young and old. People with healthy minds should grow up with time. Injuring Zhongyong is a fatal tragedy. 2. The two beauties are really entertaining. As Boss Chen said, they are as beautiful as classical marble sculptures. More importantly, the marble foundation is also full of Bertolucci's erotic...

    • By Chauncey 2022-03-25 09:01:15

      the director said

      The film's original title, "conformista," was derived from English, referring to converts to the Anglican Church; later, in French and Italian, the word gradually evolved to refer to the self-proclaimed conformist orthodoxy .

      The film "Followers" was adapted by director Bertolucci based on the novel of the same name by the famous Italian writer Moravia. The emergence of Moravia's novel with a strong political color is inseparable from some political events in the world after the...

    • By Devyn 2022-03-24 09:03:02

      Companion: The Guardian of the World

      Red, blue and purple, the sky is brightened, the chickens are awakened, the birds are also frightened, the clear springs of the mountain stream smooth the rock walls, the ginkgo leaves are rotting in the splendor, the fierce north wind is pervasive, invincible, unparalleled, let With no way to escape, Wose and Dese laid double-yolk eggs, and the whipped top revolved day and night. The seagulls flew after the fishing boats, because there would be sardines thrown into the sea, and the rows of...

    • By Emma 2022-03-22 09:02:29

      Politics and lust

      Where did you find so many modernist buildings, it brought out the oppression of space, especially in the first building and the madhouse. There was a scene where the camera was tilted on the road, and it was very tense. Not to mention the two scenes in the home space, one used blinds to explain the relationship between the protagonist, his fiancee and the maid. The camera moves smoothly and explains the dynamics between the characters. It's back to this scene near the end of the movie. All in...

    User comments

      ( 61 ) Add comments

    • By Sandra 2022-03-28 09:01:08

      The whole film seems to me to be a tortured magnification of the Confessional...

    • By Uriah 2022-03-28 09:01:08

      From heavy, downstream, normal, the biggest advantage is safety, which is the guarantee of survival. . ....

    • By Torrey 2022-03-28 09:01:08

      The originally complicated political society and human nature made the director's tricks more elusive, complicated things more complicated, and the relationship logic that he didn't understand even more elusive. This is the trick of some famous directors. Everything is flat and perceptible, but everything only stays at the sensory...

    • By Unique 2022-03-27 09:01:15

      Politics and eroticism, the photography is very good, the two heroines are both blond and brunette, both are...

    • By Cecelia 2022-03-27 09:01:15

      7.3; The theme comes first, the soundtrack is too...

    Movie plot

    In Italy in the 1930s, the father of Marcelo Clélisi, the son of a dilapidated nobleman, lived in a lunatic asylum for a long time. He is thirty-four years old and has no wife yet. Born in troubled times, not knowing where to go, he finally followed the crowd and joined fascism. Marcelo Clélisi married Julia, the right girl. After marriage, he took his newlyweds to Paris for their honeymoon. In Paris, he fought fiercely with Anna, the...
    more about The Conformist Movie plot

    Evaluation action

    Although "II Conformista" has strong characteristics of the times, it will still not be outdated in modern times. The inner conflicts of intellectuals and the dilemma of choice are the constant motifs of life. The film reflects the changes in people's values, outlook on life and world outlook under the impact of ultra-leftism. A lot of flashbacks and some unique shots are used in the film-these shooting methods are still very impactful...
    more about The Conformist Evaluation action

    Movie quotes

    • Professor Quadri: Clerici, you had me convinced you were the typical new Italian.

      Marcello: No such type exists yet, but we're creating him.

      Anna: Through repression?

      Marcello: No, through example.

      Anna: Giving him castor oil? Throwing him into prison? By torturing them? Blackmailing?

      Professor Quadri: Anna, please, dear, calm down. Clerici is a fascist. I'm an anti-fascist. We both knew. And we decided to have supper together all the same.

    • [after overthrow of Mussolini]

      Giulia: What are you going to do now?

      Marcello: The same as everyone else who thought like me. When there are so many of us, there's no risk.

    • Giulia: Marcello, don't go out. They could hurt you.

      Marcello: I won't be in danger. After all, what have I done? My duty.

      Giulia: But why do you want to go?

      Marcello: I want to see how a dictatorship falls.