Extended Reading
  • Danielle 2022-03-15 08:01:02

    the director said

    British director David Lean is known for "Late Me" (1945), "Lone Star and Tears" (1946), "Oliver Twist" (1948), "Bridge on the River Kwai" (1957), "Lawrence of Arabia" (1962), "Doctor Zhivago" (1965) and other classic films shocked the film industry. After "Ryan's Daughter" (1970), he was silent...

  • Lysanne 2022-03-15 08:01:02

    trip to india

    EM Forster traveled in India in 1912-13, but soon after the outbreak of the First World War, he joined the Red Cross and served in Alexandria, Egypt. There he met the Greek poet CPCavafy and published his collection of poems, Pharos and Pharillon. In 1921 Forster returned to India to work as a...

  • Alexa 2022-04-22 07:01:55

    I really can't understand the strange delusion of the heroine...

  • Lucie 2022-03-20 09:03:07

    Of the movies I can remember, this one has reached 3400. I chose this because I wanted to find a meaningful movie on the integer. David Lean is indeed very atmospheric, and the subject matter of the scene is all.

A Passage to India quotes

  • Mrs. Moore: This is one of the most un-natural affairs I have ever attended!

  • Mrs. Moore: Sometimes I think too much fuss is made about marriage. Century after century of carnal embracement, and we're still no nearer understanding one another. Goodnight.