Extended Reading
  • Van 2022-03-25 09:01:19

    next stop, heaven

    The long documentary-style interview is a bit boring, but the subject matter is still heartwarming. Those who are about to go to heaven will have three days at this transit station to decide to keep a memory in their lives, make a video, and take this happiest memory to the next station. The...

  • Duane 2022-03-23 09:03:10

    I will keep you in my heart forever

    - "Next Stop, Heaven"

    Is Hirokazu-eda's second movie that made me teary-eyed in a slow barely climaxing movie

    In the past, it was really easy to be moved by the plot of the movie in the book. I don’t know whether it was because I grew up or I watched it a little more than before. I found the pattern,...

  • Coralie 2022-03-24 09:03:27

    I just finished watching The Third Degree Suspect, and then I turned my head to see his next stop in the Kingdom of Heaven, which was left by me in the early days. There was a magical sense of confrontation. I am not as obsessed with Hirokazu Koreeda as you are, but I have watched almost every one of them. In fact, compared to his images, his assumptions and adjustments to literature are more contrived. I think about the kind of director who can perfectly integrate his own book, video, and sound. I think there is no such director. If he can achieve this level of book and film, he is in the top three.

  • Magnus 2022-03-26 09:01:12

    After people pass away, they all come to the Tianguo Station, spend three days recalling the happiest things, and then send them to heaven to live in this happy scene forever. Dancing in the shoes given by my brother, doing a train blowing the cool wind, planning to go to the movies with my old wife, flying through the clouds in a plane, knowing that I am the protagonist in the happiness of others. And the young man who is responsible for his own life and does not choose happy memories.

After Life quotes

  • Kenji Yamamoto, who wants to forget his past: Say I choose a memory, from when I was eight or ten years old. Then I'll only remember how I felt back then? I'll be able to forget everything else? Really? You can forget? Well, then that really is heaven.