Extended Reading
  • Kacie 2022-10-01 20:14:05

    Still die

    I like this movie. From the poster to the plot to the movie music, it is very exciting, including the costume design, especially the French boarding girl. Another high school comedy starring Cusack by the screenwriter Holland is called One Crazy Summer (1986).

    This film is a typical black comedy...

  • Alanna 2022-10-01 20:42:44

    Better Off the 80's

    In short, I have an inexplicable affection for that era. The swollen hairstyle and exaggerated costumes, although a bit funny, but sincere and uninhibited...

    Anyway, John Cusack has grasped this kind of thinking at a young age, which is particularly sensual. The essence of the nonsensical Xiao...

Better Off Dead... quotes

  • Jenny Myer: It's real aardvark fur!

  • Yee Sook Ree: Language lessons. Inspired words, from a man, who KNOWS how to ski.