Extended Reading
  • Barrett 2022-09-17 15:24:19

    House Theater Edition

       It turns out that I had to surrender again to House's screenwriters.
      Too know how to tease the audience, how to change moves, never repeat.
      If you haven't watched this first episode, can you imagine the following scenarios happening in House: House finally loses the mind game; House is in...

  • Bell 2022-09-17 15:26:32

    The best of this season~!

    The two episodes S601-02
    were watched together, and I was almost struck by the uncle's passion scene.
    Old guy, it seems that Feiyue Mental Hospital is a success, and the drama of fighting wits and courage is not bad.
    Still cunning and eccentric, still deviant, but gradually opened his heart and...

Broken quotes

  • Dr. Gregory House: I am a lot better. No painkillers. No hallucinations. Leg hurts. But it's manageable. Great job. Gonna miss you. Want to start missing you, as soon as possible.

  • Dr. Gregory House: [to another patient in during a group session] Cut your wrists, huh?

    Dr. Beasley: Greg, there are certain topics...

    Dr. Gregory House: Oh! I'm sorry. Is suicide taboo? Gosh, Have I broken a rule on my first day? I will kill myself.

    Dr. Beasley: Group's over!