Extended Reading
  • Georgianna 2022-07-16 23:22:36

    Strong mothers are butchers in life

    In the Romanian realist film "Child Pose",
    a powerful mother from a wealthy family controls the main line of life.
    When her son kills a child in a car accident, the
    son tries to handle the matter himself,
    even if he pleads guilty The prison didn't want to have anything to do with his mother
    . The...

  • Peggie 2022-07-16 08:41:36

    international child pose

    Indeed, it's not just Romanian child poses.

    From the first scene, the dialogue between the mother and the sister-in-law, you would think that she was talking about her husband and cheating lover instead of her son and girlfriend. Her jealousy and arrogance made people feel that the mother-son...

Child's Pose quotes

  • Cornelia Keneres: What did I do wrong?

    Barbu: Never mind now. I'm putting this on the table. You can say yes or no. You either let me call you when I feel like it, or it's nothing. And a suggestion. If it's hard, find a substitute. A dog, a lover, a hobby. People your age visit the Pyramids.

    Cornelia Keneres: Other people my age have a normal relationship with their child. Parents find their fulfillment in their children. Everything they failed to accomplish, they achieve through their children.

    Barbu: So we're agreed.