Extended Reading
  • Vaughn 2022-07-18 15:46:28

    crippled Clara Oswald

    As A Companion
    after 2005, Rose is the official Mary Sue in the true sense. The useless girl next door travels with the Doctor, takes risks, falls in love, then separates and finally gets back together; Martha is in love with the Doctor. The girl who had a crush on the Doctor at the time; Donna was...

  • Ashleigh 2022-07-18 16:37:17

    Sword and Horse = Bat Ugly: We're not so different

    ——The mages are crazy, the doctors are hypocritical

    "Peter Capaldi is f*cking fabulous but 12 deserves better plot and better companion!!!!!"

Deep Breath quotes

  • The Doctor: [points to his eyebrows] Look at the eyebrows! These are attack eyebrows. You could take bottle tops off with these!

  • The Doctor: [holding menu] Ah, no sausages. And there's no pictures, either. Do you have a children's menu? Any specials?

    Waiter: [scanning The Doctor] Liver.

    The Doctor: I don't like liver.

    Waiter: Spleen. Brain stem. Eyes.

    Clara: Hmm... Is there a lot of demand for those?

    The Doctor: I don't think that's what's on the menu. I think we are the menu.

    Waiter: [scanning Clara] Lungs. Skin.