Extended Reading
  • Dominique 2022-07-05 21:04:58

    Subversion of the Sexual Subject

    It can be said that in Fellini's films, women have a dominant position in sexual relations, which is obviously a subversion of the traditional stereotypes of sexual relations, and it also reflects Fellini's consistent belief, "Fellini firmly believes that, The mission of the artist in society is to...

  • Carolyne 2022-07-05 17:54:53

    "My broken soul is still searching."

    The icy moon, the mist of nothingness.

    The ruthless spiritual desert of human beings is hidden under the prosperous elegance that is very close to the whitewash.

Fellini's Casanova quotes

  • Giacomo Casanova: A man who never speaks ill of women does not love them. For to understand them and to love them one must suffer at their hands. Then and only then can you find happiness at the lips of your beloved.