Extended Reading
  • Geovanni 2022-06-29 13:34:53

    Work hard, old cloth!

    Patronizing the narrative storyline, but I don't know what to express, and there is no hint at the end whether there will be two kills and three kills after the first kill. Besides, I don't feel like it's a 2017 film. Lao Bu was just hit hard by a headshot at the end. He's an old drama, and he's an...

  • Genesis 2022-06-29 12:02:39

    Messy movie, capital disappointment

    As the first movie I saw in 18 years, it was quite disappointing. The whole play feels quite chaotic. The director seems to deliberately create a suspenseful and thrilling atmosphere from the plot to the soundtrack, but the result is counterproductive, and the real feeling is chaos. The actor's...

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