Extended Reading
  • Domenica 2022-04-20 09:02:49

    peak like a shooting star

    Chen Jiashang is one of the directors that I personally hate very much. Its status is almost on the same level as Liu Zhenwei, Zhu Yanping and others. I have always wondered what kind of courage he used to finish the "Four Famous Catchers" trilogy, the first incomprehensible, second, third,...

  • Thora 2022-03-16 08:01:02

    Dao Dao talks about kung fu films and reviews "The Grandmaster" and "Fighting Heroes"

    1. Why talk about kung fu movies
      ? I thought I was a martial arts prodigy since I was a child, and I still think so now. At the beginning of martial arts novels, they always praise the protagonist who has not yet grown up: the skeleton is Qingqi. I always thought that was me. In the end, it is my...

  • Angelita 2022-03-20 09:03:08

    A masterpiece of this type of film~~

  • Melyna 2022-03-19 09:01:11

    "Young man, let me tell you, the best way to knock down an opponent is to use a pistol. The purpose of practicing martial arts is to push a person's physical strength to the highest limit. If you want to achieve this level, you must understand the universe." A textbook for world kung fu movies.

Fist of Legend quotes

  • Fumio Funakoshi: What fist is this?

    Chen Zhen: Don't ask, it's a good fist if it wins.

  • Fumio Funakoshi: What style is that?

    Chen Zhen: don't ask! if it works, it's a good one!