Extended Reading
  • Allie 2022-07-18 20:26:34

    "Border" I came to Meng CP

    [Spoilers involved]

    The background of the film - the issue of smuggling on the US-Mexico border. Although I'm not personally interested in this topic, I'll say it anyway, because it's the origin of all the conflicts in the film.
    The social welfare in the United States is good, and Mexicans want to...

  • Jessika 2022-07-18 17:28:38

    A movie that shows you what a real man is

       A good movie is often seen from the small to the big, from the outside to the inside, and the things shown are often seen by people.

       I also don't complain about interstellar travel, any advanced thinking mode is nonsense, just a gimmick to make money.

        This film's interpretation of life on...

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Frontera quotes

  • Sheriff Randall Hunt: You can't walk in here and tell me that Ramirez is without blame. I mean, none of this would have happened if it hadn't been for those goddam Mexicans walking across your land.

    Roy: None of this would have happened if you had changed the combination on your goddam gun locker.

  • Abuelo: As long as a man has his hands, he can make a living.