Extended Reading
  • Margarette 2022-11-14 12:00:14

    little hedgehog carrying an apple

    We will be willing to take risks, step in step by step, and seek out just because of curiosity, or just for the little bit of beauty we see in the mist.
    The unbelievably beautiful horse standing in the fog in the film is like the ideal for which we exhaust our lives and enthusiasm, and is...

  • Florian 2022-12-04 13:24:35

    A brief talk on the style and connotation of "The Hedgehog in the Mist"

    "Little Hedgehog in the Mist" is the work of Yuriy Norshteyn, and I haven't seen this short animation before.
    As one of the most important animation writers alive today, the films of Master Yuri Norskine, who have seen and know more about "A Story within a Story" (Tale of Tales, 1979), and "Fox"...

Hedgehog in the Fog quotes

  • Hedgehog: [after meeting the owl] Psycho.

  • [first lines]

    Narrator: In the evenings, the little Hedgehog went to the Bear Cub to count stars. They would sit on the log and sip tea, gazing at the starry sky. It hung on the roof, just behind the chimney. To the right of the chimney were the Bear Cub's stars and the stars to the left were the Hedgehog's.