Extended Reading
  • Brent 2022-07-06 21:45:46

    "Chinese Girl" and Political Aesthetics

    Homework given to Teacher Li Xun. Half of Godard's own words, half of Rancière's words; my own words are few and poor.

    The question to be discussed in this article is: How did Godard's "The Chinese Girl" aestheticize political thought, or, in other words, how did he interweave politics and...

  • Eloisa 2022-09-16 22:28:08


    In Godard's film La Chinoise (1967), I see several sequences which separate the narrative from the images. One is the idyllic scene that appears when Yvonne is telling about the hardship of her rural life. One is the exterior scene that flies outside the window when the conversation between...

La Chinoise quotes

  • Guillaume: A Communist must always ask himself why and think carefuly to see if everything conforms to reality. A Communist is never infallible, should never be arrogant, and never think things are OK only at home.

  • [repeated lines]

    Veronique: Guillaume, answer the phone!