Extended Reading
  • Ryleigh 2022-07-18 13:33:53

    The big conspiracy of the little police

      I have to say that after watching this movie, I was astonished and shocked, not only for the sake of perfect human nature to get betrayal and other emotions, but a big net cast by the little policeman in the movie, one by one, the only one The only one who survived and lived happily was Leon,...

  • Mara 2022-07-18 15:28:31

    only he persists

       I found 'Lyon Gangs' by accident and watched it early in the morning, and thought it was a gangster movie worth watching.
      When I first saw MOMON, I didn't like it very much. I thought that he was a little gangster in the past who just wanted to live a normal life. He had no courage, no belief,...