Extended Reading
  • Wayne 2022-03-26 09:01:15

    Love is a pampered animal

    If Arsa hadn't become the ship king, would this waiting have an end?
         If Alsa doesn't have a cruise ship to take the heroine out to relax, is there a chance for them to really open up and get to bed?  
        Can you imagine a poor old man standing on a crutch, walking to the private garden of a...

  • Carolyne 2022-04-20 09:02:50

    faith in love

    Works adapted from famous novels are either original or shoddy. This film is undoubtedly the former, because I saw a performance of love that is deeper than life.
        To fall in love at first sight for fifty years, even if the two parted ways in the end, she married a doctor who was wealthy and...

  • Colt 2022-03-23 09:03:36

    Infatuation for a lifetime, fuck for a lifetime.

  • Camryn 2022-03-24 09:03:53

    Although "Love in the Time of Cholera" isn't my favorite Garcia work, it's hard to see how it's adapted so clearly. The crazy and magical atmosphere of the South American continent has been looted, and the love of the world where fantasy and reality overlap has become a prisoner's dilemma: the biggest failure of the structuralists is that they always try to use cause and effect to explain love...

Love in the Time of Cholera quotes

  • Florentino Ariza: [Surprising her in her house] Fermina I have waited for this opportunity for 51 years, nine months and four days. That is... how long I have loved you from the first moment I cast eyes on you un... until now.

    Fermina Urbino: Florentino Ariza... get out of here! Get out!

    Fermina Urbino: [cut to Ariza reading a letter from Fermina while we hear her words:] Florentino Ariza, you are a dreadful, insensitive human being. How dare you enter my house on the day my beloved husband died and utter such monstrous, ridiculous sentiments? You have put me in a mortal rage, which has caused me to think about you without wanting to. Do you understand? I do not want to think about you. Stay out of my life.

  • Florentino Ariza: [closing scene, in bed together, but clothed] I love you, my crowned goddess. We're going to stay like this.

    Fermina Urbino: You can't mean it.

    Florentino Ariza: From the moment I was born, I have never said anything I did not mean.

    Fermina Urbino: [exhales, almost trembling] And how long do you... you think we can... stay like this?

    Fermina Urbino: Forever.

    Fermina Urbino: Forever?

    Florentino Ariza: [cut to view of the sun-lit boat anchored in the midst of the river] After 53 years, seven months and 11 days and night, my heart was at last fulfilled. And I discovered, to my joy, that it is life and not death that has no limits.