Extended Reading
  • Maeve 2022-05-12 14:57:14

    Watching other countries' wars of independence with corn and cola

    I'm reluctant to write a review in the standard review writing style, mostly because I believe the review itself is subjective, and if you wrap it in an objective tone, it will be misleading. Just like this Michael Collins, I still can't tell if this history is really like a movie, or there are...

  • Garry 2022-05-12 14:04:41

    There is no right or wrong in politics

    A biopic. The download is marked with the Gold Award of the Venice Film Festival. After watching it, I felt fooled.
    This movie is a running account, without any appeal. The judges of this film festival are probably flooded with water.
    The whole article is a little trick between politicians, plus a...

  • Chelsey 2022-05-12 20:49:28

    The modern version of "Braveheart", although it is a different country and era, it can be seen that the independence of each country and nation has to go through a lot of difficulties, and there will always be brave and fearless heroes.

  • Angela 2022-05-12 16:56:12

    It's good-looking, watching the three major actors fight each other's acting skills throughout the whole process, the relationship between Michael and Harry is too - basic - Snape-Uncle Liam-Aidan Quinn can form a perfect Dooku-Qui-Gang-Xanantos.

Michael Collins quotes

  • Kitty Kiernan: Is it true, Mick, that all of the women in America wear trousers?

    Michael Collins: Absolutely! Shameless hussies, the lot o' them.

  • [first lines]

    Joe O'Reilly: [dictating a letter] You've got to think of him the way he was... He was what the times demanded. And life without him seems impossible. But he's dead. And life is possible. He made it possible.